What is the HP CodeWars about?

It is a programming competition that has been taking place for 20+ years, starting in Houston (USA). It is now a well-known event among the American students. Today, the competition has spread to several HP sites in USA, Europe and Asia.

Who can participate?

For 2025’s event, all the students from 3rd ESO to 2nd Batxillerat or attending FP (up to 18 years old, only students born after 2007 included) even if they do not have advanced knowledge in programming but are fond of learning and competing!

How and when can I register for the event?

A school sponsor (teacher) must register the teams – always from the same school. As the number of participants is limited, we encourage you to register your teams right after the preregistration opens (early January) via this website.

The teams must be registered in order of preference and the HP CodeWars organization will give registration priority to those teams including at least one girl!

Why is HP organizing it?

We aim to raise the interest in computer Science among the youth, identify the talent among the local students and foster the use of English. We also target to promote an educational, collaborative, and fun contest!

When and where will the competition occur, and what is the event’s agenda?

The competition in Valencia will take place on the morning of Saturday, February 15, and the one in Barcelona will take place on the morning of Saturday, March 1. The competition will last 3 hours.

The event will start at 10:30hrs and after welcoming the students and giving the instructions, the competition will finish at 13:30hrs.

While the competition is ongoing, there will be a separate activity for teachers.

What teams will be awarded and which are the prizes?

The first, second and third best teams in the overall ranking will receive awesome prizes in IT equipment such as laptops and gaming equipment.

The first team in Valencia will be invited to participate in the final competition in Barcelona.

In Barcelona’s competition, first team will also receive the prize of a free trip to the US to visit HP Houston and participate in the HP CodeWars Houston edition in 2026, a visit to the NASA and the Rodeo, among others.

Also in Barcelona, the best girls’ team and the best sub-16 teams will be awarded too!

How will the problems be? Which is the level of difficulty?

The whole event and competition will be in English. There will be around 30 different problems of increasing difficulty, the first one will be the easiest and the last one the hardest. The more difficult the problem is, the more points you will earn by solving it! The 3 teams with the greater sum of points will be awarded with the 3rd, 2nd and the 1st prizes. The allowed programming languages are: C, C++ and Python. No matter if you are an expert in programming or not, you will be able to solve at least some problems, learn a lot, have fun and get ready for future editions!

What if I have more questions?

Please reach out to us at hpcodewarsbcn@hp.com and we’ll reply to you as soon as possible. Remember, we are all HP volunteers with out main jobs too, so we might respond a little bit later than expected. Thank you for your patience!