Rules and Guidelines


Find below the rules and guidelines applied for this edition of the HP CodeWars.

For any questions, please contact us at
Student Eligibility
Development Software
Competition Format

Specific Guidelines Student Eligibility

Contest open to students from 3rd ESO to 2nd Batxillerat or FP (CFGM). Always students born after 2007 (included).

A team sponsor must represent the school and register the team. In most cases, this will be a Teacher.

You can register up to 3 teams per school.

The maximum of teams participating is limited, and you should register your teams in order of preference.

Teams with gender diversity will have a preference in the registration. We want more girls coding!

HP reserves the right to disqualify a student/team in case they do not meet the eligibility criteria.

Specific Guidelines Equipment

Computers recommended

Each team/school is responsible to have their own computer and Internet connection. We recommend having a second PC as backup.

PCs must have an internet browser.

Some school laptops have security lockdowns that prevent wireless configuration, so please verify this before the event.

Specific Guidelines Development Software

Development software allowed for competition:

Python 3. You will need a Python interpreter installed locally in your computer.

C/C++. You need an ANSI-compatible C/C++ compiler that can create a self-contained Windows command-line executable.

Specific Guidelines Competition Format

In 3 hours

Each problem carries a point value.
Values increase as problems get more difficult.

Specific Guidelines Competition Format

The goal is to collect as many points as possible within the stipulated time (3 hours). At the end of the event, the team with more points is the winner!

The HP CodeWars judges might contact random teams to interview them and check the coding solutions.

Final classification will be validated by the HP CodeWars jury.